We want to be real with you

The tea industry has tons of problems, and we’re here to bring transparency in everything we do.


We’re redesigning the supply chain.

The tea industry is older and slower than your great-great-grandpa. The US tea trade hasn’t changed in 300 years - since colonialism.


Our tea prices are set by our farm partners, not the commodity market.

Our tea prices are set by our farm partners, not the commodity market. We do this by eliminating the middlemen in our supply chain and working directly with farmers to pay them what they ask for - because they know best what it takes to grow sustainable, regenerative crops! We pay farm partners between 20-100x fair trade wage depending on the crop.


Sustainability is core to our company, not an afterthought.

Our tea prices are set by our farm partners, not the commodity market. We do this by eliminating the middlemen in our supply chain and working directly with farmers to pay them what they ask for - because they know best what it takes to grow sustainable, regenerative crops! We pay farm partners between 20-100x fair trade wage depending on the crop.

We’re cancelling tea bags

Uproot pouches are sustainable